When you're running a business, it's super important to keep an eye on the money you owe to others. That's where an accounts payable (AP) audit comes in. It's like a financial check-up that makes sure you're paying the right amounts and not falling for any costly mistakes or fraud. Where businesses operate in a highly competitive and regulated environment, ensuring the accuracy of financial records is not just good practice, it's essential for survival.

What is an Accounts Payable Audit?

Accounts Payable Audit

It's a deep dive into a company's bills and payments to confirm everything is on the up and up. Auditors carefully examine records to make sure the reported expenses match the actual money going out. This is crucial because sometimes businesses might report less spending than there actually is, which can lead to big problems like financial inaccuracies or even fraud.

Auditing these accounts is a task that varies in complexity depending on the size and nature of the business. Whether the records are kept manually or using sophisticated software, auditors use established accounting principles to ensure every penny is accounted for. Where financial transparency is highly valued, this process is integral to maintaining trust and credibility in the market.

Why are accounts payable audits important?

Well, for starters, they keep your financials accurate. They ensure every bill that should be paid is recorded correctly, preventing any oversights. This is especially vital because financial discrepancies can lead to serious legal and reputational consequences.

AP audits also play a key role in fraud prevention. By thoroughly examining the payment processes and records, auditors can spot any red flags that might indicate fraudulent activities. This level of scrutiny ensures that the team handling the finances is doing their job correctly and not engaging in any unethical practices.

In simple terms, an AP audit is your business’s financial safeguard, ensuring money is spent and recorded correctly, keeping everything above board and transparent.

Why You Need an Accounts Payable Audit

You might be wondering why you need to look so closely at your accounts due. It's pretty easy, though. Getting your accounts checked out is like making sure your money is safe. If you make a mistake or do something sneaky with the money you owe someone, it helps you find it.

●      Safety with money: An audit is like a safety net for your money.

●      Error Detection: This feature helps you find mistakes or strange activity in the payments you're supposed to make.

●      Avoid Overpayment: This keeps you from spending more than you need to.

●      On-Time Payments: Makes sure you don't miss any payments so you can keep good ties with your suppliers.

●      Being financially responsible helps you stay in charge of your money.

●      Award for Good Practices: Recognizes good payment handling and record-keeping.

●      Always Getting Better: This helps you learn from mistakes and make your accounts payment process better.

●      Financial Health: Protects your company's cash and makes sure bills are paid on time, which is good for financial health.

Learn more about common mistakes to avoid in Accounts Payable

Objectives of an AP Audit

A company wants to make sure their finances are in good shape by achieving a few main goals during an accounts payable check. To put it simply, this is what they want to do:

● Completeness: Every bill and payment that should be on the books is checked to make sure it is. It's like putting together a puzzle without checking that every piece is in the box first.

● Validity: Also, they check to see if the bills are real. It's like making sure again that the things you paid for and are supposed to receive are what you ordered.

● Compliance: It's about following the rules. The audit checks to see if the way the company keeps track of its bills follows the rules set by the government.

● Disclosure: Finally, they make sure that the public knows everything that needs to be known about the company's bills. There's no doubt about how much the business owes.

An AP audit is all about making sure that everything to do with the money a business owes is recorded fully, is the real deal, follows the rules, and is out there for people to see if they need to.

What Accounts Payable Documents are Required?

When it comes to keeping track of what a business owes, there are a few key pieces of paper that are super important. Here's what they usually need:

● Purchase Orders (POs): These are like promises to buy something (learn more). A PO is the first step in the buying process and it's a way to say, "Yes, we agree to buy this from you."

● Receipt Reports: These are like the proof of delivery. They show that whatever the business agreed to buy actually arrived.

Invoices: These come from the seller and tell the business how much they need to pay for what they bought. Invoices can show up before or after the stuff is delivered.

Now, even though we're talking about papers, a lot of businesses are moving these documents into the digital world. It's easier to keep track of them that way, and they're less likely to get lost.

What to Look for in an AP Audit?

When doing an AP audit, auditors check for:

● Accuracy: They make sure all the bills and payments are recorded right.

● Completeness: They check if every bill that should be there is actually recorded.

● Validity: They confirm that all the transactions are for real and approved properly.

● Compliance: They ensure that the way bills are handled follows all the rules and laws.

● Internal Controls: They look to see if there are good systems in place to stop mistakes or cheating.

Learn more about Accounts Payable Automation to boost efficiency

Step-by-step process of an accounts payable audit

Step-by-Step Strategy for Accounts Payable Audit

Here's a detailed guide on how to conduct an accounts payable audit:


Understanding the Process

Initially, the auditor needs to grasp how the company processes its invoices—from their arrival to payment, including who oversees each stage.

Identifying Risks

The auditor evaluates potential risks. They consider the company's size, industry, and the effectiveness of controls against errors or fraud.

Testing Controls

The auditor examines if the company's safeguards are effective. This includes ensuring:

●      Segregation of duties in the invoice processing to prevent excessive control by a single individual.

●      Accurate data entry of invoice amounts into the system.

●      Appropriate approvals before payments are issued.

●      Timely recording of invoices for accurate financial reporting.


Examining Records

The auditor reviews the company’s payable records, including invoices, purchase orders, delivery receipts, and payment proofs.

Comparing Figures

They analyze the accounts payable against historical data and budgets, looking for anomalies in payment cycles.

Testing with a Dummy Invoice

Occasionally, they may introduce a fictitious invoice to test the company's processing procedures.

Interviewing Staff

The auditor speaks with the accounts payable team to understand their procedures and verify compliance with company policies.


Drafting the Report

The auditor compiles a report detailing their findings, including strengths and weaknesses, and may recommend improvements.

Presenting to Management

They present the findings to the company’s management, either in a meeting or through the report.



Subsequently, the auditor revisits to assess whether the company implemented the recommended changes to address identified issues.

This framework serves as a general guideline for an accounts payable audit. The specific steps may vary depending on the size and complexity of the company but fundamentally cover the key aspects of ensuring effective handling of accounts payable.

Automating an Accounts Payable Audit and Why AP Automation?

Faster and Easier: Automation can do a lot of the audit work like pulling data from bills, matching bills to orders, and spotting mistakes.

Why Use Automation? It saves time, cuts down on mistakes, and makes it easier to see what's going on with your bills.

The Benefits of Accounts Payable Audit Automation

Safeguarding your Business with Accounts Payable Audit

● Saves Money and Time: No more manual data entry means less time and money spent.

● Follows Rules Better: It helps you stick to the rules and avoid arguments with sellers.

● Makes Things Consistent: It speeds up bill handling and makes fewer mistakes.

● Keeps You Informed: You can see your bills and orders as they happen.

● Works With Your Systems: It fits with the software you already use, keeping your data consistent.

● Always Ready for Audits: You can pull up reports anytime, which helps you stay prepared for audits.

An AP audit is like a health check for your business's bills. It makes sure you're paying the right amounts, to the right people, and at the right time.

Automating this process is like having a smart assistant that does the routine checks for you, so you can focus on more important stuff. It's all about being efficient, accurate, and ready for anything that comes your way.

Ready to ensure your accounts payable process is error-free and compliant? Contact Ambit's expert team for a thorough AP audit that will secure your financial operations and enhance your business's financial health. Don't wait for discrepancies to disrupt your business—take proactive steps today and stay audit-ready with Ambit!

Key Takeaways

  1. Crucial for Financial Health: AP audits are critical for maintaining financial accuracy and preventing fraud.
  2. Regular Schedule: Businesses should conduct AP audits at least annually, with more frequency depending on size and changes within the company.
  3. Prevention of Discrepancies: Audits help detect errors and prevent overpayment and duplicate payments.
  4. Automation Benefits: Automated AP audits save time, reduce errors, and keep businesses audit-ready.
  5. Detailed Process: Auditing involves planning, record examination, accuracy testing, and compliance checks.
  6. Enhances Relationships: Timely and accurate AP processes from regular audits improve supplier relationships and overall business integrity.


How Often Should You Conduct an AP Audit?

An AP (Accounts Payable) check should be done regularly, ideally at least once a year. But for bigger, more complicated businesses or ones going through big changes like getting new software or merging, audits may need to happen more often to make sure they are following the rules and keeping their finances correct.

How do you test the accuracy of accounts payable?

Auditors look at different deals and may recalculate them to make sure they were recorded correctly. This is done to make sure that accounts payable are correct. Orders, bills, and payments are all checked to make sure they match up and were paid for properly.

What are the audit procedures for accounts payable?

Audit procedures for accounts payable often include:

● Observing how the business works day-to-day.

● Asking questions about reports, financial statements, and transactions.

● Reviewing account balances and trends.

● Looking closely at records and transactions to make sure payments and expenses are recorded right.

● Re-calculating things like depreciation to check if they match the records.

How do you ensure the completeness of accounts payable?

An auditor looks for bills that should have been recorded but weren't to make sure that all the bills in accounts due are fully paid. When payments are made after the year ends, they check the bills to make sure the payments were made at the right time.

Which type of audit ensures the accuracy of financial statements?

Audits of financial statements check that all the facts in a business's financial statements are correct and follow the rules. Accounts due are just one of many things that this type of audit checks to make sure the whole financial report is correct.